Reference Letter

What is a reference letter?

Updated March 14, 2022

A part of the standard co-op board application process, personal and professional letters of reference testify to the moral character and financial stability of the potential purchaser.

Although each co-op board has its own requirements, typically applicants are asked to provide three to six reference letters.

Reference letters from employers and friends are usually required for a co-op. Credit: Scott Graham/Unsplash

The personal reference letter is written by a non-family member and details the writer’s relationship with the applicant, including information on how they met and how long they have known each other and in what capacity.

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The professional reference letter is written by someone who knows the applicant professionally or by someone who has a working relationship with the applicant. It focuses on the applicant’s work ethics as well as character traits.

A letter from a landlord also is sometimes required to illustrate that the applicant is financially solvent, pays the rent on time and in general will make an all-around good tenant and neighbor.

These letters are considered make-or-break components of the application; without them, the sale does not proceed.